Your Weight-Loss Success Starts With The First Step

walksignWe’re creatures of habit. Chances are that you have a daily schedule that is within minutes of being the same every single day. The same wake-up time, meals, relaxation, computer, even sitting in the same place to do it all. Well now you need to add another scheduled time. Schedule a specific time to walk every day. Morning, noon, after dinner, whatever will work for you. Morning is most likely the best because you can adjust your existing schedule for it easier. You also will be less likely to skip it because you are tired, too busy, or just lazy.

Start by walking the neighborhood route I suggested yesterday. Walk that same route every day at the same time, every day for a week. Then alternate with another route for a week. Then the magic happens. Studies show that doing something for 14 days will imprint the action on your brain. You will then do it as your routine and actually miss it if you change it. You will also begin to get a lot of satisfaction out of your dedicated success.

Beginning today, start every day on the right foot.


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