Don’t Make Exercise A Chore

Even 10 minute exercises need to be enjoyable to keep you on track. You should find that walking time is a great time to let your brain churn and come up with ideas. That happens to me when I walk alone, ride my bike or even while mowing the lawn. But if you can’t seem to get motivated to start just add walking to your routine chores. Do you need to go down to the market? Walk instead of hopping in the car.

If the exercise bike or stepper seem boring. Do something else when you exercise. Some people say they can read when they are doing it. I never could, but I did move it to in front of the TV. You’ll find that the time really moves along faster. You can even use the commercial breaks as a convenient timer. Start during one set of commercials and finish during the next. Or maybe decide to keep going.

The main thing is to think of those 10 minutes as being YOUR time. It’s also paying you back with more time living a healthy life.


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