Water, Water Everywhere

It’s amazing that our parents ever survived without carrying bottles of water everywhere. Actually, my father would have laughed himself silly if I had suggested to him that people would actually pay more for a bottle of water than for soft drinks or even beer! I don’t carry any. I’ve found that it’s available pretty much everywhere thanks to a plumbing system invented during the Roman Empire.

You’ve heard it many times before. Water is a dieters friend. It helps fill you up. Just don’t overdo it. There are those rare cases of water intoxication. In unusually high amounts it can dilute the electrolytes in your body and cause severe problems. Just drink a big glass a few times a day. If you’re on Atkins it’s necessary to purge your body of excess protein. It will also keep you regular. As a bonus, all that hand washing in the restroom will probably fend off a few colds too!